Common Name   Sagon Teak
Scientific Name Tectona Grandis (LINN)
Family Verbenaceae
Flowering Sep.-Oct.
Fruiting November-January


A large deciduous tree, branch lets angular channeled. Leaves 30-6- by 15-30 cm elliptic or obvate, rough above. Flowers white in terminal panicles. Fruit 1.3 cm diam, a hard bony nut enclosed in thick spongy covering.

A plaster of the powdered wood is recommended in hot headaches and for the dispersion of inflammatory swellings. The ashes of the wood are applied to swollen eye lids and are said to strengthen sight. The bark is an astringent and the oil of the nuts promotes the growth of hair and removes itching of the skin. Stem bark cures diarrhoea and stomachache. Wood oil is good for eczema and ringworm. Seeds are used to treat urinary complaints.

The wood is highly priced for house building and costly furniture cabinet work, railway sleepers, bodies of pianos and harmoniums and tobacco pipes.


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