Common Name Kaim, Kalam, Mundi
Scientific Name Mitragyna parviflolia(roxb)
Family Rubiaceae
Flowering April
Fruiting February

Leaves & Flower

A large deciduous tree, bark smooth, with dark patches of exfoliating old scales exposing light. Coloured bark.  Leaves variable in size and shape 5-12.5 by 3.8-7.5 cm, ovate or obovate. Stem orbicular or oblong. Atipules ovate, deciduous. Flower heads globose, white or pale yellow, usually in cymes of 3.

Bark is useful in muscular pains, stomachaches, fever, syphilis and as contraceptive. Leaves used for wounds and to cause sneezing. The wood is used for making agricultural implements, combs, cups and carvings.



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