Common Name   Bel
Scientific Name Aegle marmeloe corr
Family Rutaceae
Flowering April -May
Fruiting April-June(ripening)


A small or medium sized deciduous tree armed with straight sharp axillary thorns 2.5 cm long. Leaves alternate, 3 foliate. Flowers greenish white, sweet scented about 2.5 cm. Fruit variable in size about 10-15 cm in diameter, outer cover hard and woody smooth, brownish - orange when ripe containing a sticky aromatic pulp.

Root is sweet, cures fever, pain in the abdomen. The flowers allay thirst and vomiting, useful in dysentery. The pulp of the fruit has highly medicinal and nutritive value, useful in constipation, gastric troubles and laxative. A delightful summer drink is made from its fresh pulp. The leaves are offered to Lord Shiva as Bel patra.



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